From Japan, with Love: Cherry Flowers Blossom

From Japan, with Love

Entry #47: 2022 March 28

What a joy! These cherry blossoms came into full bloom in about 24 hours. There was one day of rain and harsh winds so I ended up staying in for an entire day, and it those 24 hours, the cherry trees across Tokyo went from buds to full on blooms. Sakura are always a great reminder as to how fleeting it all is. We are always a winner if we choose to savor each and every fleeting moment. Now. Now. Now. Because in the next 24 hours, these cherry blossom will become ha-zakura or leaf sakura, as the petals fall away and vibrant leaves begin to take their place. My personal favorite phase of cherry blossom season are these ha-zakura. This beautiful picture of ever-changingness and how this motion, this very powerful motion of the natural world is expressed visually for us to understand. And as such, we too are in constant change.

♡ momoko

Microseasonal Stars

March 26 - 30

Spring > Spring Equinox > Cherry Flowers Blossom

What’s that one thing you notice that only exists this week?

Momoko Nakamura