From Japan, with Love: Empress Trees Flower
Entry #002:
2021 July 22
Japan is said to be a homogenous country. And growing up, I was quick to learn that sticking out wasn’t fun. Being homogenous is a national trait. A factor that bonds its people and makes us strong as a united entity. At least that was the story that was curated for us in our school textbooks and everyday propaganda. Compared to countries situated within larger bodies of land as an island country. Japan has always had some sense of “us” and “other”. However, “us” is plural, and includes a multitude of peoples. Until World War II, the multiethnic fabric of the country was colorful. Until very recently, we were more Junya Watanabe’s Comme des Garçons and less Muji. There were roving mountain people who would trade their bamboo crafts for produce and grains. There were ocean people who lived on boats and would come to shore to trade seafare for land fare. Underneath the mirage of what it means to be Japanese, lies an intricate web of threads. Every habit, mannerism, phrase, recipe, all trace back to these individual threads.
♡ momoko
Microseasonal Stars
July 22 - 27
Summer > Dog Days > Empress Trees Flower
What is the one personal virtue that you hold most dear?