From Japan, with Love: Skies Grow Cold

Entry #029:

2021 December 7

As we enter the sub season “Snowfall” and feel into the month of December, the city begins to illuminate with lights. And compared to this time last year, there is a clear holiday buzz in the air here in Tokyo. In Japan, December means two things: Christmas and Bounenkai. Christmas is not a holiday, but an event. It insinuates hand-holding couples enjoying the city dressed in lights, and strawberry shortcake that we call “Christmas cake”, and fried chicken, most often from KFC. This uniquely Japanese event has become a capitalist’s dream come true. Borrowing characters such as Santa Claus and snowmen to boost the sales of the usual suspects. And I like it. It’s cheery. It brings color to the darkest month of the year, it helps people get out of their warm kotatsu (blanketed tables), and into the streets to play. That said, it does make me wonder how sustainable it all is. Japan’s strawberries are “in season” in December.

♡ momoko

Microseasonal Stars

December 7 - 11

Winter > Snowfall > Skies Grow Cold

Are you breathing? Are you circulating the air that’s in and around you? 

Momoko Nakamura