From Japan, with Love: Spring Winds Melt Ice

From Japan, with Love

Entry #37: 2022 February 4

Today we welcome Spring. That means yesterday was the New Years Eve of yesteryear. We celebrate with two rituals on Setsubun. One is that we make ehoumaki or roll of favorable direction, and eat it following the compass of fortune that year. This year it is north-north-west. Essentially north, but a sliver to the west. The second ritual is throwing roasted soy beans at the Oni or devil spirit. We say, “Oni outside, Fortune inside”, while throwing these beans. But Oni is actually not outside at all. In any sense. It’s that devilish spirit inside of us all.

♡ momoko

MIcroseasonal Stars

February 4 - 8

Spring > First of Spring > Spring Winds Melt Ice

As you release yourself from the tightness of the cold, what do you observe from your newfound lightness?

Momoko Nakamura