Microseasonal Calendar
Online Workshop
2022 August 6 (Saturday) 8:00pm - 9:30pm EST
Click here for the associated date & time in your area of the world.
Learn about the traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar and create your very own based on your unique coordinates and ancestral heritage.
Since I was a little girl, I had been lost in my sense of identity, my place in the world, and my gifts. Who was I? Where do I feel welcome? What can I offer in this lifetime?
Choosing to be conscious to the rhythm of the traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar has very literally changed the course of my life and the way I perceive the world.
Koyomi (/kə/yō/miː/) The traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar is Japanese culture‘s playful and reliable North Star. The 72 microseasons across the year, tells the tale of our relationship with the natural world. Navigating daily life, as well as more deeply-rooted cultural practices.
Koyomi became my greatest confidant as I spent my days traveling the archipelago, exploring the Japanese art of regenerative living. As a student of personal stories, communal folklore, and indigenous legends that can be found all across the countryside, I was prompted to explore my relationship with microseasonality.
This is a meditative exploration of your hyper-local environment, highly personal ancestral background.
The 90 minute workshop includes:
Part 1
Learn about the traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar. Its various parts, its applications in everyday life, and on tuning in to how to use it as your own compass.
Part 2
Creating your own microseasonal calendar based on your hyper-local environment and your highly personal ancestral background.
What you’ll need
☑ a stack of blank pieces of paper (maybe 10 sheets or so)
☑ writing utensils (pencils, pens, color or not)
☑ a very present you
A one-time payment of 30 USD.
Join the next Microseasonal Calendar Online Workshop
2022 August 7 (Sunday) 9:00am - 10:30am Japan Time
Click here for the associated date & time in your area of the world.