From Japan, with Love: Heavens and Earth Cool

Entry #009:

2021 August 28

I’ve recently completed what I called a “Summer Retreat” in Tokyo. A virtual gathering across four sessions in August. It was an experimental journey and I am so honored that people from all across the world took the time and heartspace to join me. The sessions were packed with information, and I likely sped too quickly to try to get through the majority of what I wanted to share: food education, the microseasonal calendar, cultural identity, and seasonal cooking & healing. Thanks to the generous people who took a leap of faith and participated in this experiment, I now have established the necessary momentum to launch Japan Food Study next month. This journal has also proven to be one of the most fun things I do every week. I appreciate your feedback and little notes. Each of them. You don’t know how much they hug my heart. Thank you!

♡ momoko

Microseasonal Stars

August 28 - September 1

Autumn > First of Autumn > Heavens and Earth Cool

As fires subside and there is calmness, what do you see reflecting back in the water?

Momoko Nakamura