From Japan, with Love: Northern Winds Sweep Foliage

Entry #027:

2021 November 27

Next month at Japan Food Study, we will be conversing around the topic of “Traditional natural agricultural practices”. But this doesn’t imply the act of farming alone. The point of Japan Food Study has been to create an opportunity to recognize that we never work in siloed spaces. The act of farming exists because the act of eating exists. The act of farming exists because the act of storytelling and sharing exists too.So this is our opportunity to share in our observations about all of the players, historical reasons, human nuances, geographic and climate factors that inform the creation of our collective. 

♡ momoko

Microseasonal Stars

November 27 - December 1

Winter > Early Snow > Northern Winds Sweep Foliage

Do you feel heavy or do you feel light? Through the season can you feel grounded? That doesn't mean stagnant and weighty. What are you doing to keep your heart and body nimble? 

Momoko Nakamura