From Japan, with Love: Rainbows Hide
Entry #026:
2021 November 22
November 23 is Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan. It’s naming is a bit odd, from my perspective, but apparently that’s what it is officially called in English. The holiday is meant to express gratitude to laborers, particularly in manufacturing. However capitalistic this may sound, and it is, as part of the post-Meiji Restoration re-fab of Japan, its origins lie in Niinamesai or harvest festival. The Emperor leads by offering grains to the gods, and the same is done in every shrine across Japan. In a country with many natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes, we require someone whose job it is to express gratitude to the gods every day. And that is really what the Emperor is meant to do. And not to also try to manage being part of a larger political system. Its story was recorded as early as the 8th century.
♡ momoko
Microseasonal Stars
November 22 - 26
Winter > Early Snow > Rainbows Hide
What do you hold in your heart that is hidden from the eyes but still there?